Bir gün Samet'lerin hemen yanındaki geniş avlulu eve; bahçelerinde duş teknesi, duvarlarında renkli boyalardan yapılmış kocaman kocaman resimler (camdan görebildiğimiz kadarı ile tabii ), her daim mutfaktan yayılan havuçlu kek kokusu, sabahları çok erken gidip akşamları da çok geç döndüğünden bir türlü bakmaya doyamadığımız ''turuncu şeritli sarı yaldızlı Vespa''sı ve üzerimize Merhaba! diyerek koşarken kızıl saçlarındaki bukleleri bir yukarı bir aşağı hoplayan sevimli kızlarıyla bir aile taşındı. Neden sonra keklerin Rosa Teyze'ye, ''turuncu şeritli sarı yaldızlı Vespa' nın Can Abi'ye, dışarıda unuttuğu için çıkan her rüzgarda Samet'lerin balkonuna uçan mavi simidin de Valerie'ye ait olduğunu anladık. Sami Amca o vahim kazada ölünce Rosa teyze çareyi bu baba yadigarı eve taşınmakta bulmuş. Valerie'nin okula başlamasına daha 2 yıl olduğundan o zamana kadar buraya iyice alışır diye düşünmüş, o sırada İtalya'da bir makarna fabrikasında çalışan Can Abi'yi de zar zor ikna etmiş yanlarına taşınmaya.
İşte biz Valerie ile, tüm bu olayların sonrasında, sıcak bir Temmuz günü, O'nu muhteşem gülümsemesi ile denize koşarken gördüğümüzde tanıştık. O'nu görür görmez hepimiz sanki gönül birliği etmişcesine yıllardır onu bekliyormuşuz da artık bu hasret bitmişcesine heyecanlandık. Biz o Temmuz gününden sonra artık başka çocuklardık. Adamız başka, denizimiz başkaydı : Balıkların kendi aralarında konuşurken kullandığı bir dil olan FİÇİ FİÇİ'yi , bulutların aslında pamuk şekerden yapıldığını, kolay yoldan batabilen gemi yapabilmeyı (bu en kolayıydı), çok şeker yemenin zekamızı açtığını ve bunun gibi nice evrensel bilgiyi kanun gibi öğrenmiştik! Onunla beraberken herşey aslında başka birşeydi, Hiç birimizin itiraz etmeden dahil olduğu çok eğlenceli bir hikayenin kahramanları oluvermiştik. Yazan Valerie idi.
O yaz ve sonraki yazlar bizim için O'nunla dolu geçti. Her yaz sonu evlerimize dönerken, sonraları adının ''sızı''olduğuna kanaat getirdiğim bir duyguya kapılıyorduk. Bu tuhaf duygu adayı ve O'nu arkamızda bırakırken bizi iyiden iyiye esir alıyordu sanki. İşte hepimiz gidiyorduk, O'nu yalnız bırakıyorduk belki ama bu son olmayacaktı, seneye yine gelecektik, yine zeka açan şekerlerden yiyecektik ... Olmadı, bir sene biz yine geldik ama bu sefer O yoktu. Samet anlattı: Rosa Teyze’nin yıllardır görüşmediği bir kardeşi varmış, sonra nasıl olduysa kardeşi onları bulmuş; çok pişman olduğunu barışmak istediğini söyleyip, onları bu evi satıp İtalya’ya onun yanına taşınmaları için ikna etmiş.
Bir daha hiçbirimiz O’nu görmedik ancak sonradan fark ettik ki Valerie ile beraber standartlarımız da yükselmişti:) Ne zaman yeni bir arkadaş edinsek O'nu Valerie ile kıyaslıyor, O'nun yaptığı gibi bizde yeni ufuklar açmasını arzu ediyorduk. Sonra bir gün büyüdük, boylarımız uzadı, seslerimiz kalınlaştı. Büyüdükçe sakinleştik, sakinleştikçe daha çok özledik: çocukluğumuzu, adayı, havuçlu kek kokusunu, Valerie'yi...
I was a kid We were going to Büyükada every summer. Buyukada meant to sea, sea
meant to a blue planet. Whether the sun blowing our heads or the cold breeze of
afternoon couldn’t move us away. Our mother’s effort to keep us off the sea was
also useless. We were always planned! None of ’’you can not swim!’’ ‘’you can
not stand under heavy sun!’’ could daunt us, e.g., there were small spaces
between houses so, when you clattered little bit or you yelled they could here
you through the next house. We were all siting at table almost at the same
time. And the noise was going ahead: (loudly) I’m Doneeee! We recognise the
familiar voice of our friend and respond immediatelly (loudly) I’m Doneeee too!
Then another voice rises up (loudly) I’m Done Already!... Thereby we finish off
our breakfast as a team spirit and flow to garden step by step. Destination was the sea of course! after all these
hard work we met the goal but because of our mother’s foray it always turns into
a bad experienceJ
day, a family moved next to the Samet’s large hole house, who has a shower pan
in the garden, very large paintings on the walls, beatiful smell of carrot cake
which you can smell through the kitchen window, just because it leaves early
hours in the mornings and comes back home very late we never glut our eyes on the
’’Vespa with orange lines and yellow stars’’ and the cutest girl ever whose curly red hair leaps while
she runs to us saying Hellooo! Then we realised that cakes were belong to Mrs.
Rosa, ’’Vespa with orange lines and yellow stars’’ was belong to elder brother
Can and the blue life belt was belong to Valerie that always flys into the
Samets’s balcony because she forgat it at the outside everytime. When Mr. Sami
died on that grievous accidante, Mrs Rosa had decided to move this heirloom
house. She had thought that Valerie loves and adjust herself here because of
there were 2 more years her starting to
school. Can was was working in a pasta factory in Italy but she had hardly convinced
Can to live with them too.
we met with Valerie, after all these stuff, on a sunny day of July. She was
running to the sea with great smile on her face. From the moment we met her,
all of us felt like we were waiting for her since for a while. After that day
we were not the same kids anymore. The island had changed, the sea had changed:
We had learnt the special language of the fishes called ‘’FİÇİ FİÇİ’’, clouds
had made of cotton candy, to able to build a ship which can touch ground easily
(that was easy!), eating more candy helps lucidity of our minds and we became superior
intelligence kids. And many necesseary information like this(!) While we’re
together wtih her, evertything was something else. We all were on the register to
a funny story with no objection. The story’s writer was Valerie. On that summer
and in the times that followed, we were
full of her. There was a feeling later
on I called it ’’pain’’ was lining our hearts, every fall. This
strange feeling was taking us prisoner
while we left the island behind us. Here, we were all going, leaving her alone,
but this was not the last time, we were going to be here next summer again. And
we were going to eat from those superior intelligence candies again… It didn't take, We came again but she wasn’t there.
Samet told us: Mrs. Rosa had a sister who had not see or talk since many years,
then one day her sister shows on, tells her compunction and ask her to come
together again. She assures her to sell the house and move to Italy to live
with her. Then one morning very sudden Mrs. Rosa left the house.
We never saw her again. But we realised that we had have of high standards with Valerie:) Whenever we made a new friend we were comparing her to Valerie and we were hoping that she will change our lifes like her. Then one day, we grew up, our voices were deepened. When we grew up we calmed down, when we calmed down we missed more: our childhood, the island, smell of carrot cake and Valerie...
We never saw her again. But we realised that we had have of high standards with Valerie:) Whenever we made a new friend we were comparing her to Valerie and we were hoping that she will change our lifes like her. Then one day, we grew up, our voices were deepened. When we grew up we calmed down, when we calmed down we missed more: our childhood, the island, smell of carrot cake and Valerie...
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